TTT n°8 is a real pleasure to read, particularly if you are interested in the EU's foreign policy, its instruments and targets In a situation with US recognition of the Jerusalem as capitol of Israel and Palestine considering its recognition or the climate change migration and the vulnerable democracies in East there are many questions to consider. Democratic and Economic changes of EU structures, rule of law remain a core interest as well as the surprising winner from Brexit - Germany - as stated in one analysis. Our selections of articles are:
- Towards a more democratic European Union by Valentin Kreilinger (Delors Institute)
- Comprehensive EMU reform or tinkering at the margins? by Daniel Gros (CEPS)
- Looking for the Silver Bullet - A Guide to the ESM Debate by Lucas Guttenberg (Delors Institute)
- Poverty, a European Battle to be Fought with the Disadvantaged by Sylvie Goulard (Delors Institute)
- Europe's crisis starts at home by Mark Leonard (Project Syndicate)
- The European trust crisis and the rise of populism by Yann Algan, Sergei Guriev, Elias Papaioannou, Evgenia Passari (CEPR)
- The Rule of Law under threat: What can Europe do? by Alain Dauvergne (Delors Institute)
- Democracy and its Deficits: Ghia Nodia, Denis Cenușă and Mikhail Minakov
- Climate-driven migration in Africa by Stefano M. Torelli (ECFR)
- Turning the tide on EU migration policy by Nils Feller (Delors institute)
- Migrant crisis, NGOs and the snares of the Mediterranean region by Tommaso Branzaglia (Mediterranean Affairs)
- Is There Hope for EU Foreign Policy? by Stefan Lehne (Carnegie Europe)
- Occupation and Sovereignty: Renewing EU Policy in Israel-Palestine by Hugh Lovatt (FEPS)
- Brexit, phase two (and beyond): The future of the EU-UK relationship by Maria Demertzis & André Sapir (Bruegel)